All posts by mastinlakechurch

RE:Launch RE:Vival- Spring Revival 2016

Do you need a miracle? Do you need a Re:Newal? Do you need a breakthrough (for you, your family or loved one)? Join us during our Re:Launch Re:Revial as we seek to launch into the greatest time in our walk with God. April 10-13 (Sunday through Wednesday) Sunday; 10:30 AM; 5:30 PM and M-F 7:00 PM

Our Drama Team (youth) will be ministering on Sunday night (5:30 PM) and Wednesday Night (7:00 PM). They are preparing each week to minister. Please come to be ministered to by them and support them. On Monday night of our revival (7:00 PM) our Youth Praise Team will be helping to lead worship along with our adult worship team.


Should I bring my children to revival? Won’t they be a distraction? Yes, you should! And No, they will not! We would love to provide the opportunity at Mastin Lake for your children and grandchildren to experience revival! We love to hear them sing, ask questions, observe and participate in service. We believe that you are never too young to know Jesus Christ and be used of Him.

Movie Night

Church Movie Night

We are excited to invite you, your family and friends to a special movie night on Sunday January 24th at 5:45 PM. “War Room” is a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can  have on our lives. This will be a great time of friendship, entertainment and encouragement.

Serve Day

Mastin Lake SERVE Day

As Christians we are required to GO to those in need and meet both the physical and spiritual needs of others. We ask you to unite with us to reach our city with the Love of Jesus on Saturday January 30th for the Mastin Lake Serve Day. There is a role for EVERYONE to serve someone. In the weeks leading up to this day, we will collect some supplies. On that morning we will pack boxes and prepare meals. Then that afternoon we will be making deliveries and reaching out to people directly.